I recently sat down for an interview with Mike Tyson for ESPN. And here is an accompanying blog I wrote for ESPN.com. Read More
Kieran meets Iron Mike
February 25, 2011
I recently sat down for an interview with Mike Tyson for ESPN. And here is an accompanying blog I wrote for ESPN.com. Read More
Tweet, Tweet
February 21, 2011
I finally joined the 21st century. I'm on Twitter. Follow me @kieranmulvaney.
Antarctic Whaling: Is This the End?
February 18, 2011
The Fisheries Agency of Japan announced this morning that the country's Antarctic whaling fleet is returning home, a couple of months and several hundred whales earlier than usual. Although the FAJ is blaming the attentions of Sea Shepherd - which is of course more than happy to accept the blame and the plaudits - there is much more going on, as I explain in this blog for Discovery News. Read More
CBS Radio Seattle
February 11, 2011
Enjoyable interview with Lee Callahan on CBS Radio AM 1090 in Seattle the other day. You can hear it right here.
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Sometimes it all goes just right
February 10, 2011
I have conducted maybe a dozen or so interviews over the past couple of weeks on radio stations across the United States, talking about polar bears generally and of course The Great White Bear specifically. Read More
Kieran at Harvard
February 8, 2011

I was fortunate enough to be asked to give a talk at the Harvard Museum of Natural History on Saturday. Many thanks to Tom Scanlon for proffering the invitation and being such a wonderful host. And thanks also to my good friend David Schullinger-Krause for the visual documentation.
Reviews on the way
February 8, 2011
Just learned that the Washington Post will be reviewing my book this Sunday, February 13. Hugely excited by the opportunity and the exposure; hopeful that the review will be positive. And, all being well, the New York Times will be running a review shortly, as well. Many thanks are due to my friend and publicist Taryn Roeder at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, who has been tirelessly plugging away, determined to ensure my book gets as much attention as possible. Read More
the small side of the force
February 7, 2011
I thought yesterday had perhaps the worst batch of Super Bowl TV commercials in recent memory. There were a couple of entertaining ones - I sympathized with the poor guy who thought he'd sent an unspecified but clearly non-PC e-mail to an enormous range of colleagues - but the only one that really grabbed me was this:
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